
Deadly traffic patterns

2021-01-29 00:00
The Safe Roads national project has been actively implemented in all Russian regions for several years.

The project’s goal is to reduce the number of fatalities in road accidents. The question is whether it is always achieved?

The diagram below shows the statistics of road accidents that take place where the road condition does not meet the existing standards. Only in 2020, about 5 thousand people died in such accidents, and about 60 thousand were injured.
One of the examples of inadequate traffic patterns is the intersection of Engelsa Prospekt and Prosveshcheniya Prospekt, which is one of the most congested and complex intersections in St. Petersburg.
There are numerous attractions in the area: a metro station, a large shopping mall, a dense residential area, and several public transport stops.
At the intersection the road repairs are being carried out and the temporary traffic management plan requires pedestrians to move along the carriageway with intensive traffic. At rush hours, it is extremely dangerous!

What can be done to ensure the safety of both drivers and pedestrians?
  1. Develop a traffic management plan for construction period in accordance with GOST R 58350-2019 "Public roads. Traffic control devices at roadwork sites. Technical specifications. Application rules".
  2. Install traffic control devices and signs in accordance with the plan.
  3. Ensure due compliance monitoring.

If you encounter the situation where the existing traffic pattern is not safe and may result in an accident, be aware that you can make a real difference. Just dial 112, indicate the problem and the exact location (street, house, or other landmarks).
The safety and quality of the city's traffic environment depend on each of us!