
Can digitalisation solve all problems of the transport sector?

2021-12-07 00:00
Last autumn we were a partner of the X Digital Forum held by RBC and took part in the discussion about the future of the transport industry.

The discussion focused on the question if the transport infrastructure is ready for digitalisation. Representatives of the business community and state authorities exchanged views on potential challenges and the current situation with introduction of digital road services.

The discussion was attended by Farid Madani (Business Lines), Ilya Novikov (Highways Operator), Peter Ataev (Sustainable Traffic), Maksim Sitnikov (Rostelecom), Pyotr Solodovnik (Megafon), Natalia Efremova (RZD Technologies), Vasily Maltsev (Vympelcom) Viktoria Kalinina (Stroyproekt), Aleksei Bnatov (Northern Capital Highways), Vladislav Samoilov (St. Petersburg Directorate for Transport Systems Development), Leonid Paramonov (GLONASS), Valentin Enokaev (St. Petersburg Transport Committee and Mikhail Prisyazhnyuk (Leningrad Region Transport Committee).

The video of the discussion is on our YouTube channel.

RBC Petersburg published several articles about certain issues of the discussion:
  • Factors hindering digitalisation of the transport sector
  • How to prevent the technology gap and how to cope with the staff shortage?
  • Mechanisms of interaction between business and the state, and technology solutions needed by the industry.

We believe that an integrated approach is required to improve the transport system.

In his interview to RBC, development director of Sustainable Traffic Peter Ataev spoke about relationship of digital and infrastructural transport solutions.

The participants of the roundtable discussion have different views of the current level of digitalisation – some of them believe that digitalisation of the transport industry is intensively developing, while the other consider that it is in its infancy.