
Discussion of transport industry standardisation at the 11th RBC Digital Forum

Our development director Pyotr Ataev was one of the speakers at the round table “Digital Technologies: Time for Standardisation”. The main topic was development of new standards to enable the use of innovative technologies in transport industry.

Other issues raised at the round table:

  • areas of digitalisation to be standardised
  • problems resolved using new standards
  • who benefits and who loses from new standards
  • policy changes to be made by developers and distributors due to new standards
  • whether new standards restrain further development of digital technologies under sanction pressure or not
  • particular spheres that require standardisation

The experts agreed that transport industry digitalisation requires some regulation. However, ambiguous interpretation of the existing and new standards slows down introduction of novel technologies, which affects the dynamics of digitalisation.

A possible solution would be a frame regulation defining general trends in project implementation and giving specialists some leeway.

Our thanks to the moderator and all participants of the round table for an interesting discussion!